Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Little Boy Who Cried "Racism"

The modern definition of "racist" is someone who is winning an argument with a Liberal.
-Peter Brimelow

The New York Times writer, Adolph Reed, published an Editorial piece today on the "Puzzle of Black Republicans". In it, Reed outlines reasons that Black Republicans have a choice; Reed's basic quandary is that either they(black Republicans) don't count as black, or they don't count as Republican. Reed compares the appointment of Congressman Tim Scott to "poll taxes, grandfather clauses, literacy tests". 

The Op. Ed. is littered with such baseless assumptions, broad generalizations, and maybe a touch of bigotry. Reed states that the reason for South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley's (an Indian-American Republican, herself) appointment of Rep. Tim Scott to replace retiring Senator Jim DeMint is that the whites of the GOP "don’t want to have to think of themselves, or be thought of by others, as racist." This is followed by a rambling history of civil rights going back to before Reconstruction.

Why does the Left immediately swarm on anyone of a different race that is succeeding and happens to be a Republican? It seems that every time a minority candidate from the GOP is advanced for their merits, they are either "blacks to undermine black interests" or "more tokens than signs of progress"? 

Strange that only the Democratic side of the media wants to turn this into a racial issue. Left-wingers are afraid to lose the traditionally-blue votes that come from the black community; so they rush to disqualify any minority that is gaining notoriety and happens to be a Republican. 

It is a favorite Dem tactic to force black and Republican to be thought of as mutually exclusive. It seems that whenever an accomplished, capable black person, who happens to be a Republican, is given an opportunity in politics, they are labeled as a sort of double agent against their race? Or against the Republican ethos? 

Is being conservative a pre-requisite move against the black community? Of course not, and the people that are distributing that drivel are simply trying to force partisanism on the black community. This kind of divisive and, to be frank, petty writing really has no merit. To make base assumptions about people based on the color of their skin? That's racism in and of itself, and it has no place in a conscience driven political system. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

President Obama's 7-Eleven Spending Nightmare

While even now Barack Obama is on the campaign trail in Iowa and Ohio, right here in the shadow of the Beltway the Treasury Department has released a study that snap-shot's the President's horrendous handling of this economy, and why . The summary of Federal spending for fiscal year 2012 (which ended September 30) has come out.

For every seven dollars that our government had, it has spent eleven (precisely $10.95).

Stir in the scope of our government, and the difference in those numbers and let that thought mull for a moment. With no regard for our fiscal integrity, this year Obama's giganto-government-machine has been burning through cash like dry lint and firewood.

Jeffrey Anderson of the Weekly Standard elucidates the reality of this problem clearly in a recent article.

"To illustrate this a bit differently, for every Jackson ($20) we’ve had available to spend under Obama, we’ve also borrowed a Hamilton ($10) and a Washington ($1) and spent those too.  The only thing is that, under Obama, we’ve (literally) spent the equivalent of 342 billion Jacksons, 342 billion Hamiltons, and 342 billion Washingtons — borrowing all of the Hamiltons and Washingtons."

President Obama desperately needs to take a leaf out of the books of Republican governors and legislatures.  While the Feds have dug the hole of debt even deeper, our own Governor McDonnell has the numbers on his side; posting a surplus and attracting both businesses and individuals to the Commonwealth. Fiscal responsibility isn't just common-sense, good policy.

Our deficit is passing $16.02 Trillion as I write this. the kind of reckless spending, strangling regulation, and backwards job "creation" policies that we have seen from this administration are outright dangerous.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mr. President, Common Sense is on Line 1

The Federal government has been quietly slipping by a tax to the American people that costs as much as 20 C-130 cargo planes. "What for?", you might ask.

 Free cell phones.

Let that sink in. For cell service, one and a quarter billion dollars (yes with a b) has been spent by Uncle Sam every year since 2008 and the cost has not stopped rising. Some people even have multiple phones that are being subsidized by ALL OF US.

Does this sound ludicrous to anyone else?

Basically, the Universal Service fee that you will see on every one of your phone bills constitutes the passing on of a mandatory payment from the phone company to you. The federal government requires companies pay into the Universal Service fund and they pass the buck, so to speak, to the consumer.

Originally the program only serviced land lines. That sounds reasonable, right? Well in 2008 the program was expanded to include cell phones and to say the cost skyrocketed would be an understatement. Rep. Tim Griffin of Tennessee has posted an excellent video explaining this lunacy to youtube, and it is embedded below.

With our economy severely recessed, and a pile of debt as tall as the Chrysler Building and growing, what on Earth is our government doing paying for data and minutes? This kind of idiotic and reckless spending has to be brought to someone's attention; it doesn't even sound rational.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Woodward Calls Out Obama on Hyper-Partisanism

Photo Credit to The Daily Beast

Over the weekend, Washington Examiner writer Conn Carroll wrote an insightful synopsis of author Bob Woodward's new book, "The Price of Politics". In it, Carroll notes Woodward's feelings on Obama's miserable mishandling of the presidency and the damning consequences of Obama's hyper-partisanism.

In the book, the President himself is quoted as shooting down a bi-partisan Republican stimulus plan early in his term with the words "I can go it alone, I have the polls". His own chief-of-staff, Rahm Emanuel, has spoken on the fact that Obama's final stimulus plan had zero contribution from House Republicans, "We have the votes. (expletive) them." 

It is a well-known fact that this President has mishandled the problems that America faces. It is a well-known fact that Obama does not have a bi-partisan bone in his body. But for a President to not only mishandle a situation, but to metaphorically spit in the face of a concerned Republican Party that is willing and able to help...

It just isn't something you do.

Obama has derisively described House Majority Leader John Boehner as a "cigarette-smoking, country-clubbing Republican who makes deals." Deals are a part of legislating effectively and compromise is important to America's democracy. Boehner has tried to make many deals in his years in Congress. But appeals to reason in the White House often fall on deaf ears.

We have a President who cannot handle the job himself; who refuses to compromise for the good of his nation; and who slaps bi-partisanism off of the table. The facts are as plain as day. America can only hope for a change.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Two Different Worlds: O'Malley and McDonnell

The Potomac River divides more than just a pair of states. On one side of the river,a flagship Democrat, Gov. Martin O'Malley, has been dealing with a flagging economy with his party's job creation "plan". On the other side, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, a promiment Republican, has been using conservative values to influence his jobs creation plan. Which one has been more effective? 

Wall Street Journal has come out with a very insightful article today about the difference between these two starkly opposite administrations.

Bob McDonnell has shown across the board that common-sense, conservative values are the answer to our current economic situation. Virginia is holding fast at 5.9% unemployment, while O'Malley's "reforms" have put Maryland jobless numbers up to 7%. O'Malley has seen an exodus of 30,000 taxpayers from the wealthiest tax areas, costing the state 1.7 Billion dollars in tax revenue over the last 5 years.

Businesses have flooded across the Potomac since these two polarizing plans have come into effect. Gov. O'Malley has lost valuable corporate taxes since companies such as Northrop Grumman, Bechtel, and Hilton Hotels move south into Virginia with jobs and cashflow behind them.

This comparison is significant beyond our 2 respective states. The two governors of which we speak are the heads of their respective Governors' Associations. They are both nationally prominent in the media. This is a nationally important example of conservative principles healing an economically stagnant business environment. Governor McDonnell has led the Commonwealth to a surplus, and we are top tier in job creation.

Really, Democrats? False Robo-calls Come Off as Desperate

During one of the most contested elections in modern times, Maryland Democrats are so  
                    desperate to win that they are willing to out and out lie to do it. 

Right in our own back yard, the truth seems to be taking a back seat to partisan politics.

Starting recently, constituents of Virginia's 2nd District (Scott Rigell-R), and Maryland's 6th District (Roscoe Bartlett-R) have been receiving robo-calls attempting to link Rep. Rigell and Rep. Bartlett to renegade Missouri Congressional candidate Todd Akin's outrageous "Legitimate rape" comments. 

The problem? BOTH representatives have publicly condemned Akin's comments and have asserted that they do not share his views. Where does the line lay when it comes to Democratic mudslinging? Its obvious that they are trying to divert the eyes of voters from the real issues facing America. 

The mad dash to tie an entire party to the comments of one rogue-integer candidate has been evident across the country and (ever so conveniently?) comes as Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the Republican National Committee step into the spotlight for the Republican National Convention. This kind of petty partisanship should show America what some Democrats are willing to do in pursuit of the win. 

Have a look at the full article from the Washington Examiner HERE

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bringing Virginian Values to Tampa: Good Luck Governor

Nearly a week from now, on Tuesday, our own Governor Bob McDonnell will step out onto the stage in Tampa at the Republican National Convention. He will walk into the middle of a political storm, and on the edges of a literal one

The Governor will take the stage after Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, and will be the first of the nights schedule of former-VP short-listers to speak. He will be followed by fellow governors Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Chris Christie of New Jersey.

Gov. McDonnell is already in Tampa, as a matter of fact; as Chairman of the Republican National Committee's platform committee. We applaud him for the work that he is doing, developing the platform on which our candidates will be running this fall. 

From us, congratulations Governor, and we hope that you can take the policies you have used to make our Commonwealth great, and present them to the nation as an achievement and a lesson. Fiscal responsibility, and the employment of common-sense conscientious policies are key not only this November, but at all times. 

To see a full schedule of Tuesday's events at the Republican National Convention, click here

Franken, the Only One Who Can Out-Gaffe Biden.

Earlier this week, Vice President Joe Biden was joined at a Minnesota campaign event by TV-writer turned Democratic Senator Al Franken. Biden, just putting his Virginia "chains" gaffe behind him, must have been happy to not be the most verbally mistake prone person on the stage for once.

Barack Obama and his campaign are perfectly willing to shove VP hopeful Paul Ryan in the direction of other, less tactful politicians. But has he been paying attention to who his own VP is standing at the podium with? Senator Franken has been known, like others, to have made some intolerant, ignorant, and downright offensive soundbites in his day.

Let me explain. Al Franken has made the news many times for things he has said. At Harvard, Franken flatly explained that he hated homosexuals. Later, Franken was quoted speaking about raping a CBS reporter.  Is that really the kind of association and the kind of people that Obama wants to stand with under the lights?

17 Year Old Delegate Will Be Youngest in Tampa

Evan Draim is no regular high schooler from Mount Vernon. He has earned his way into the Republican National Convention next week as the youngest delegate out of more than 2,000. Draim will be heading to Tampa as a delegate for Virginia's 8th Congressional District. He campaigned day and night, and even edged out the Arlington County Republican Committee Chairman for the spot.

Evan is a new, young face at the convention, but is no stranger to politics. 3 years ago, he convinced his father to take him to the Virginia GOP convention; in which our own governor Bob McDonnell was nominated.

Draim represents an entirely new generation of Republicans, a fresh mind full of ideas, and the yet-young future of the party. We wish him a happy and productive convention and a good time in Tampa. Congratulations, Evan.

For a further look at Evan's selection as a delegate, read the full Washington Post article HERE

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Spec Ops Takes Aim at Obama...Metaphorically that is

The Special Forces group Special Operations OpSec Education Fund is voicing its opinions about how President Obama has handled the American military in his time in office. The verdict?


The stated purpose of this organization is to protect the safety and operational security (OpSec) of America's men in uniform; and to combat the use of leaks and sensitive information for political gain. 

As Virginia is home to not one but four of the Nation's largest and most important military sites (The Pentagon, Langley, Oceana Naval Base, and Quantico), these issues are very close to home for us in the Commonwealth.

The group has come out with their own 22-minute video about the mishandling of military leaks, the killing of Osama Bin Laden, as well as other incidents. They also plan to air advertisements exposing the Obama Administration's bungling of these leaks over his term.

The former soldiers and intelligence specialists at the organization have criticized the Administration for using leaks to promote himself and his policies, for badly handling the Bin Laden apprehension to make himself look better, and even for disclosing sensitive details of the Bin Laden raid to Hollywood filmmakers. This isn't the kind of self-serving, careless attitude toward national security needed in a Commander-in-Chief.

To read the full article from WTAX click here

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Carryover Scandal in Prince William: Shows Government Putting the Horse Before the Cart

Recently in Northern Virginia's Prince William County (the second biggest in Virginia by the way) a lot of fuss is being made over the allocation of "carry-over funds" into pet projects county wide.

Damn. Straight. They're Mad.

These funds are basically the government's leftovers at the end of a well managed fiscal year. Leftover budget money, and over-raised taxes are all piled up and doled out to whatever projects the Board of Supervisors really feels like putting them into.

So What's Wrong With That?

The fact is, the extra money that we have paid into our government should come back from our government if they aren't using it. Don't get me wrong, coming in under budget really revs my engine, Prince William. That's great, but the money you aren't using should not go to pet projects.

Pet Projects? That's Wrong.

In light of certain conflict of interest situations that the Prince William County Board of Supervisors has found itself in the past few years, there's a very expectable amount of skepticism that those dollars will go to the causes they should. For example, earlier this year, one PWC Councilman tried to slide by 100,000 dollars of funding for his WIFE'S riding center.

Bottom Line

Prince William, your extra money may be going to dubious causes, when it should be either going right back to the taxpayer, or should be dealt with transparently. Tell youer rather than behind the scenes in the Board chambers. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

How Many More Months of >8% Unemployment Before America has had Enough Change?

The government recently released the monthly employment statistics.

"What a surprise!", cried no one ever. The figures indicate that unemployment has risen again, this time to 8.3%. This comes as we also realize that nearly 350,000 people on unemployment have simply stopped looking and therefore drop off of the record as unemployed Americans. 

That news comes as Obama touts an increase in jobs created in July by about 20,000. Looks suspiciously like a drop in the bucket, Mr. President. 

How many more signs does America need that this Administration's failed policies regarding economics and job creation are failing? It's time to put some common sense back into America's job creating policies. 

To read further, an article is available HERE