Photo Credit to The Daily Beast
Over the weekend, Washington Examiner writer Conn Carroll wrote an insightful synopsis of author Bob Woodward's new book, "The Price of Politics". In it, Carroll notes Woodward's feelings on Obama's miserable mishandling of the presidency and the damning consequences of Obama's hyper-partisanism.
In the book, the President himself is quoted as shooting down a bi-partisan Republican stimulus plan early in his term with the words "I can go it alone, I have the polls". His own chief-of-staff, Rahm Emanuel, has spoken on the fact that Obama's final stimulus plan had zero contribution from House Republicans, "We have the votes. (expletive) them."
It is a well-known fact that this President has mishandled the problems that America faces. It is a well-known fact that Obama does not have a bi-partisan bone in his body. But for a President to not only mishandle a situation, but to metaphorically spit in the face of a concerned Republican Party that is willing and able to help...
It just isn't something you do.
Obama has derisively described House Majority Leader John Boehner as a "cigarette-smoking, country-clubbing Republican who makes deals." Deals are a part of legislating effectively and compromise is important to America's democracy. Boehner has tried to make many deals in his years in Congress. But appeals to reason in the White House often fall on deaf ears.
We have a President who cannot handle the job himself; who refuses to compromise for the good of his nation; and who slaps bi-partisanism off of the table. The facts are as plain as day. America can only hope for a change.