Newt Gingrich's ex-wife (his second at that time) has come out with a scandalous ABC News interview, claiming that he wanted an open marriage.
Now this blogger hasn't seen any more of the video than his humble readers, but if the clip that they showed is any indication, ABC may be holding a hammer over Gingrich's presidential coffin nails. There will certainly be some follow up to this piece.
Without personally passing judgement on Ol' Newt, he will really face a lot of scowls from his hard socially conservative base. Marianne Gingrich's comments echo out from even the 2010 Gingrich Campaign.Some of these facts aren't new to American voters. They knew that he had a couple old marriages before he met his darling Callista. They knew that those marriages did not end well.
But with the suspension of Herman Cain's campaign over similar female issues of his own, will Gingrich take the hit and continue his neck and neck race with Mitt or will this signal the curtain for Newt's bid to the Presidency? We will certainly keep you updated. I'm just 1 conservative who is very interested in the twists and turns of this new race.
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